Jumat, 12 November 2010

Game Offline 2

yeah sometime we must see arround, to make changer, even my bussines still small, but i'm sure that it will grow up, pray, learning by doing, do the best, and positif thinking, i try to open Game Offline no internet connection, and its always full, for game offline i start only saturday and sunday from 9.00 Am until 12.00Am after that at 13.00 start for Lesson computer until 15.00 and in 16.00 WIB Game offline continue until 21.00 PM. That way i'm sure that i can open game online and warnet to support or growing up my bussines, i hope my proposal will aggrement by UKM at KOPEGTEL Batam.
but for next i hope can open class for CALISTUNG,English Lesson ...to be continue.


Pertama-tama anda mempunyai ID terlebih dahulu.......
setelah ad memiliki ID dan kata kuncunya..... masukan yang tertera di komputer yang anda ingin memainkan di komputer...

tetapi bila anda salah mengetik ID atau pass, maka anda bisa mengetik kembali.
selamat menikmati permainan